Marketing Mama inspired me to ask myself, “What are you passionate about?” This is a great time for me to ponder this question, since I’m transitioning into a new chapter in my life. I’m cutting the umbilical cord to my military life.
I say cutting the cord because I’ve relied on National Guard jobs for the past 8 years. It’s been a blessing that I’m grateful for, but it has also hindered me because I’ve been afraid to truly challenge myself, to step outside of the box, to reach for the stars!
I believe that everything happens for a reason. I met my husband in the military and my current military job helped me realize my love for graphic design. Family and graphics…two things I’m passionate about.
“They” say to live what you love, so I’m hoping to make a living out of Dajon Design, but in order to do that, I need to be healthy. I’m passionate about my health! We need to properly take care of ourselves in order to function efficiently! If you don’t put gas in your car, you’re not going to get very far. Same thing if you fill the tank with sugar, eh?
Alright, I think I’ve got this figured out. I need to take care of myself, in order to create my creations, which will in turn support my family, without relying on a boring 9-5. Taking care of myself also allows me to have the energy to really enjoy my family when we are together!
Sounds easy, right? Not so easy, when you have to run your ‘croupy’ son to the doctor and don’t have time to eat anything, but a drive-thru burger!
NO MORE EXCUSES! You’ve heard it here first. I, Dajon, vow to take care of myself, even if that means taking the time to prepare healthy foods. I vow to love my family and truly appreciate every moment with them. I vow to not contribute to the family gossip. Last, but not least, I vow to reach for the *s*t*a*r*s*!!!
What are you passionate about?
Check out what some other ladies are passionate about:
The Marketing Mama: What am I passionate about?
Kate in the Kitchen: unveiling my passions
Pink Vanilla Cupcakes: What am I passionate about?
Healthy Heart Journeys: Putting the P in PASSION
Nightlight Journeys: Living with Passion
Challenge: 1 year, no restaurants: Passionate about?
Girl Meets Geek: On Passion
I couldn't resist posting a picture of a little guy that I'm most certainly passionate about!
(Photo by Aunty Colleen)